a study of invisible skeletons in future ideas
Every time that: your goal is to notice the next occurence of each event, at which time you will perform a state test: "Am I dreaming?" So, if your target is, "The next time I hear a dog bark", when you hear this next, note it and do a state test. You are aiming to notice the target once, the next time it happens.

Alberto Garutti, Ai Nati oggi, 2000

Alfredo Jaar, Lights in the City, 1999

Alberto Garutti, Temporali, 2010

Gabriel Orozco, Until You Find Another Yellow Schwalbe, 1995

Francis Alys, Rehearsal 2, 2001

Tomo Savic Gecan, Untitled, 2005
The temperature of a public pool in Tallinn change by 1°C according to the entry patterns of visitors to an exhibition in Amsterdam.

Germaine Koh, Fair-weather forces (water level), 2008

Renata Lucas, Third Time, 2011

Tomo Savic Gecan